Code Mash – Fundamentals Of Software Engineering

I’m sitting at Code Mash, in Sandusky, Ohio.   Right now I’m  listening to a presentation on Fundamentals of Sofware Engineering.  A little basic so far, given  by a gentleman by the name of Jon Kruger.   First part went over basics of OOP, encapsulation, inheritance and such.   Had a break now going over SOLID Principles and he’s basing it on Uncle Bob Martin’s book Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices.  One of my favorites and where I got my SOLID leanings from!

SOLID overview was a little confusing.  Presenter seemed to suggest to igore the principles until forced to not to, except he did seem to suggest to always follow DIP.  I  would disagree, I would suggest ignoring them until problems ocur makes it more likely for problems to ocur.  I would agree shouldn’t follow them blindly either, though.

Presenter is really high on Dependency Injection Containers.  Specifically he showed examples of StructureMap.  Looked useful, we rolled our own mostly because I wasn’t aware these existed when I did it.  I like to think it shows I had good instincts that I even thought to create dependency injection framework all on my own.  Probably should replace with one of these though.

Presentation is over, time for a  little hands on coding at the end of the session.  They’ve just haned out some requirements for a game and we’ve been given really bad code to try and refactor, or rebuild it from scratch.  Should be interesting.

Pair coding with my work buddy Ryan, trying to refactor/fix/update and MVC project that implements two basic games.  We’ re quickly running out of time, struggling to figure out how to add 2 jokers into the deck for just one of the games!

Well we’ve decided to change direction and just confirm code meets the requirements we’ve been given.  We’ll fix and put in tests for deviations we find.  Clock is ticking!

Well that’s over.  Didn’t get a whole lot done on the coding task, not quite sure that it fit in well with the presentation, but maybe it’s just me.  Overall a pretty good presentation.  Mostly what I took from it was that we’ve been doing the right things on my current project.  That’s always good to hear.  I feel I contributed quite a lot to our current practices and approach and its nice to feel like we’ve done it right.

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